Kaion Tale Wiki

The Draxian Druid is one of the most complex playable classes. It is a hibrid class, that can take differents roles in a g with other draxians partners.

The Draxian Druid's is a passive creature that protect the nature of the world. It´s rare to see this creatures in the World of Kaion Tale, they are always in calm state dreaming and navigating in his thinkings.

But Silmano´s corruption and evil plans with his demoniac orders to destroy the world, awake up this creatures from the forest and come to draxian civilization to support in the mission of get the peace again in the World of Kaion Tale



The Draxian Druid is a versatile class. You can hunt enemies with panther form, play tank role and do a great damage as bear form or take support work and heal allies.


Starting stats for the Draxian Druid are listed below:

Starting Stats
Sorcerer Health Points Base Damage Attack Speed (seconds)
115 13 1.5

Preview Abilities


Druid Form

Sharp Claws

Sharp Claws
Sharp claws that damages the enemy.

DMG: 13 + * 0.2 * PP * 13 // CD: 1.5

Bear State

Bear State
Turn into a wild bear with strength power.

Spirit State

Spirit State
Turn into a pacific spirit with cure ability

Panther State

Panther State
Turn into a hunting panther with great dexterity

Transformation Skills

When you use your transformation skills, you gain new abilities.

Bear form

Bear Mark

Bear Mark
Damage enemies with sharp claws.

DMG: 16 + * 0.2 * PP * 16 // CD: 1.5s

DMG with wild roar: (16*1.5) + * 0.2 * PP * (16*1.5) // CD: 1.5

Wild Roar

Wild Roar
Chilling roar that increases power and give shield for a certain time.

POWER: .perc=20%PP // SHIELD: .perc=25%MAXHP // STUN: 100% 1s // DUR=3s // CD: 8s

No 3rd Skill

No 3rd Skill
No Skill

Druid State

Druid State
Come back to druid form.

Spirit form

Calm Hurt

Calm hurt
Release energy to heal yourself.

HEAL: 8 + * 0.2 * PP * 8 // CD: 8s

Rain of Calm

Rain of calm
Cover near allies with spirit of rejuvenation giving heal periodically.

HEAL: 3 + * 0.2 * PP * 3 // PER: .hits=4 .int=1s // DUR: 4 // CD: 16s

No 3rd Skill

No 3rd Skill
No Skill

Druid State

Druid State
Come back to druid form.

Panther form

Triple Scratch

Triple scratch
Cut enemies with triple scratches.

DMG: 14 + * 0.2 * PP * 14 // CD: 1.2s

Bonus with hunting dash:

- BLEED: (14*0.2) + * 0.2 * PP * (14*0.2) // PER: .hits=4 .int=1s // DUR: 4

- SLOW: .suc=100% .perc=30% .dur=2s

- Double Dmg if target HP below 20%

Hunting Dash

Hunting dash
Start the hunt increasing the speed and the next attack will give bleed, slow and double damage for enemies with 20% hp or lower.

No 3rd Skill

No 3rd Skill
No Skill

Druid State

Druid State
Come back to druid form.